The refining industry has looked to Clark-Reliance for decades for the most extensive product line in level measurement and control. Our Jerguson® level gage offerings are the world’s broadest.
Despite our wide variety of offerings, all Clark-Reliance products share a critical commonality: unmatched reliability. This reliability is essential to ensuring the safe, efficient, and continuous operation of your most critical applications.

See Our Proven Track Record in the Refining Sector

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Refining Applications
Alkylation, in petroleum refining, is a chemical process in which light, gaseous hydrocarbons are combined to produce high-octane components of gasoline. The light hydrocarbons consist of olefins such as propylene and butylene and isoparaffins such as isobutane. These compounds are fed into a reactor, where, under the influence of a sulfuric-acid or hydrofluoric-acid catalyst, they combine to form a mixture of heavier hydrocarbons.
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Flow Indicators
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Windows
Jacoby-Tarbox Phaeton XTL Lighting
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Atmospheric Distillation
Atmospheric Distillation is the most basic petroleum refining process. Crude oil is heated and fed into a large tower containing a vertical series of complex trays. As the lighter hydrocarbon components boil out of the crude and their vapors rise in the tower and cool, they collect in trays at different levels based on the critical temperature of each different fluid. For example, the heavier oils and straight-run gasolines will condense into liquid at a lower level (and higher temperature) than butane, propane, and other light end gases.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Dehydrogenation involves the elimination of hydrogen from a compound to produce a less saturated analog chain and can be effected thermally or catalytically. Thermal dehydrogenation is best exemplified by the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons to produce olefins, usually in the presence of steam, in pyrolysis furnaces or steam crackers at elevated temperatures.
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Liquid Filters
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Fluid Catalytic Cracker (FCC)
Fluid Catalytic Cracking converts heavy oils into higher value gasoline and lighter products by cracking heavy oil feed in the presence of a fine particle catalyst. The term “fluid” is used because the catalyst is very fine particles, which behave as a fluid when aerated with a vapor
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Gas Processing
Gas Processing is a general term referring to the separation and treatment of gas into various higher value products and the removal and treatment of water and other undesirable or toxic components.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Transmitters
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Liquid Filters
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Hydrotreating is a process in which contaminants are removed from product streams to produce either finished product or clean product for further processing. The process employs pressure and temperature, however the temperature is generally kept below 800°F to minimize cracking.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Windows
Jacoby-Tarbox Eductors
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Flow Indicators
Jacoby-Tarbox Phaeton XTL Lighting
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Liquid Filters
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Hydrogen Synthesis
Hydrogen Synthesis units produce hydrogen for use in treating and cracking process units. The hydrogen process typically involves the steam reforming of light end gases such as methane. The process typically involves four stages: reforming, conversion, purification, and methanation.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Merox Treater
Merox Treatment is a process in which mercaptan sulfur is removed from gas streams by contact-reacting feed with a caustic solution.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Liquid Filters
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Windows
Jacoby-Tarbox Eductors
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Flow Indicators
Jacoby-Tarbox Phaeton XTL Lighting
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Power Boiler
Power Boilers are used to generate the steam required for plant processes or for the generation of electricity for use in the facility. These Power Boilers are generally designed and manufactured to meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler Code or applicable Boiler Code for the country of installation.
Reliance Electro Eye-Hye Remote Drum Level Indication Systems
Reliance Water Columns
Reliance Levalarms
Reliance Water Gage Glasses
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
OFS Fuel Coalescers
OFS Vacuum Dehydration Oil Purification Systems
OFS Filter Carts and Low Flow Filtration Systems
OFS Rental Equipment
Amine Treating
Amine Treatment removes hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from natural gas. Amines have a high affinity for both hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, making this a very effective removal solution.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Cage Level Switches
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Liquid Filters
Catalytic Reformer
Catalytic Reforming is a process in which heavy-run gasolines and naptha are reacted in the presence of catalysts to produce higher-octane gasolines. Catalytic Reforming rearranges the molecular structure of the hydrocarbon chain rather than cracking it as in other processes.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Windows
Jacoby-Tarbox Eductors
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Flow Indicators
Jacoby-Tarbox Phaeton XTL Lighting
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Liquid Filters
FCC Feed Hydrotreater
FCC Hydrotreating is a chemical process to stabilize petroleum products in the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst. Also see Hydrotreater.
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Flow Indicators
Jacoby-Tarbox Phaeton XTL Lighting
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Windows
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Gas Treating
Gas Treating is a general term referring to removing unwanted or harmful substances from gas streams. See Amine Treating for one such process.
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Liquid Filters
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Gasoline Blending Pool
The Gasoline Blending Pool is where intermediate streams are combined to form a variety of on-demand finished products. The advantage of the blending pool is that product output can be easily varied based on fluctuating demand.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Hydrocracking is a process combining catalytic cracking and hydrogenation, wherein heavier feedstocks are cracked in the presence of hydrogen to produce more desirable products. The process employs high pressure, high temperature, a catalyst, and hydrogen. Hydrocracking is used for feedstocks that are difficult to process by either catalytic cracking or reforming.
Liquid Filters
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Anderson AFC Coalescing Filters
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Isomerization Plant
Isomerization is the chemical process by which a compound is transformed into any of its isomeric forms, i.e., forms with the same chemical composition but with different structures or configurations and, hence, generally with different physical and chemical properties. An example is the conversion of butane, a hydrocarbon with four carbon atoms joined in a straight chain, to its branched-chain isomer, isobutane, by heating the butane to 100°C or higher in the presence of a catalyst.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Windows
Jacoby-Tarbox Eductors
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Flow Indicators
Jacoby-Tarbox Phaeton XTL Lighting
Liquid Filters
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Sulfurization Plant
Sulfur recovery processes are used to strip elemental sulfur from toxic Hydrogen Sulfide gas.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Vacuum Distillation
Vacuum Distillation is the same process as Atmospheric Distillation except that the tower is under vacuum so that higher temperatures can be achieved to boil the heavy crude that passes through the Atmospheric Distillation process.
Jerguson Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Model MGWR Gages
Jerguson Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson External Cage Level Switches
Liquid Filters
Gas Filters and Coalescing Elements
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Windows
Jacoby-Tarbox Eductors
Jacoby-Tarbox Sight Flow Indicators
Jacoby-Tarbox Phaeton XTL Lighting
Anderson ACF Coalescing Filters
Anderson AVB Steam Drum Vane Separators
Anderson AVS and AVGS Vane Separators