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Jerguson Magnicators equipped with SAS-16™ Snap-Action Switches headed to industrial company in Central Ohio

Kristen Modzelewski

Check out these Jerguson® Magnicator® Magnetic Level Indicators headed to a company in Central Ohio! #FunFact - these Magnetic Level Indicators are equipped with SAS-16™ Snap-Action Switches.

DID YOU KNOW? The switch mechanism is based on a unique Jerguson tri-magnet design where the snap action is accomplished by the utilization of magnetic repulsion. The magnet mounted in the float causes the secondary magnet to rotate as it passes up and down. The switch magnet is repelled by the secondary and snaps to the opposite side. This causes the cradle to pivot, moving the push rod which operates the switch contacts. The result is positive snap action interlock switching – no springs…no cams…no problems.

For more information, click here.

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