60LE Series Safety Ballcheck Valves

Union Bonnet Valves
Series 60LE for Reflex or Transparent Flat Glass Gages
Jerguson® No. 60LE Series Valves are constructed to the highest of standards. The updated design removes the stem threads from contact with the process fluid by locating them behind the valve packing seal. This important feature prevents corrosion on the threading and provides a barrier inhibiting the ability of particulate to interfere with the hand wheel operation. The valve is low emission certified to API 624 to provide compliance with EPA standards. Quality features include stainless steel stems, seats, and ballcheck, regrindable and renewable seats.
Stem threads outside the process fluid
US Patent No. 9,920,840
Low emission certified to API 624
Regrindable, renewable seat
Unions with spiral wound gaskets
The series consists of the following valves:
No. 63LE – straight pattern with non-union gage connection
No. 64LE – straight pattern with union gage connection
No. 66LE – offset pattern with non-union gage connection
No. 67LE – offset pattern with union gage connection
Standard Features:
Safety Shut-Off: All No. 60LE Series Valves are equipped with a stainless steel ballcheck located upstream from the seat which instantaneously shuts-off flow of fluid in case of gage failure. Vertical rising ballchecks are available for compliance with ASME Section I or the ball may also be omitted on request.
Union Process Connection: Series 60LE Valves are equipped with union process connections which permit simple installation and easy access to the ballcheck. A spring clip secures the ballcheck in place so that it does not fall out when the union process connection is removed.
Union Gage Connection: Nos. 64LE and 67LE are furnished with a union gage connection which allows a top and bottom connected gage to be rotated to any desired angle for convenient visibility. It also makes possible removal of the gage without removing the valves or draining the liquid from the vessel - a feature which saves time when gages must be cleaned or maintained.
Offset Pattern: Nos. 66LE and 67LE valve bodies are designed so the gage connections are offset 7/8" from the centerline of the vessel connections. By removing the vent or drain plug, the interior of a top and bottom connected gage may be swabbed without disassembly.
Regrindable, Renewable Seat: The seat may be reground using the sleeve as a guide. The seat may be removed or replaced using a standard 5/8" socket wrench.

No. 66LE
No. 63LE

No. 67LE

No. 64LE
Low Emission Certifications